It’s getting close… Read Across America/ Dr. Seuss’ birthday is just right around the corner (March 2nd)! We’ve been getting ready by pinning lots of preschool activities and doing plenty of our own Seuss inspired crafts (this Cat in the Hat marble painting is my favorite!) Today we used wine corks to create a simple and…
Green Eggs and Ham Art
“I will not eat them on a train, I will not eat them in the rain!” Have you read Green Eggs and Ham to your kids yet? If not, March 2nd is a great day to do it since it is Dr. Seuss’ birthday/ Read Across America Day! If you’re a homeschool mom, grab your…
Cat in the Hat Painting Activity
Read Across America Day is March 2nd! As a former teacher, Read Across America Day (a.k.a Dr. Seuss’ birthday) has a special place in my heart. It is usually celebrated by teachers by reading and doing fun classroom projects based on Dr. Seuss books. Being that the classic Seuss book is The Cat in the Hat,…
Rainbow Hop
Bring on the rainbows! We have had a long winter. Mostly because it’s our first winter living in the snow (California –> North Dakota). The days are far less sunny than I’m used to, not to mention much, much colder. I am anxiously awaiting the end of winter and the beginning of spring- bring on…
Dinosaur Mud Play
Do your kids love playing in the mud? Mine do. Without any hesitation, they’ll run right outside bare-foot and (usually) bare-butt ready to jump in the first muddy puddle they see! I know jumping in puddles and slinging mud is a great unstructured activity, and that’s usually just what they do, but occasionally I love…
Kid Lit Books for the Perfect Bookface!
Are you ready to start bookfacing?!? Before we go any further, do you know what bookfacing is? Are you familiar with #bookfacefriday on Instagram? If not, pause for a minute and hop over to this post where I introduce what #bookfacefriday is all about 🙂 Now that you’re all caught up, we can get started…
What is Bookface Friday?
Have you heard of #bookfaceFriday?!? If you are as addicted to Instagram as I am, and you’ve used an Instagram growth service to gain more visibility, then chances are you’re going to start seeing this hashtag pop up in your feed more often…well- more often on Fridays at least 😉 #BookfaceFriday You’ve heard of #ManCrushMonday,…
Fish Counting Number Recognition Activity
One Fish, Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish! The first book I thought of when I first saw these little pasta fish shapes was Dr. Seuss’ classic One Fish, Two Fish story. Since Read Across America day is only a month away, I thought I’d share this little activity for anyone looking to add some…
Homeschool Classroom Tour
This post contains affiliate links Do you have a dedicated homeschool room? Up until a few months ago, we didn’t have a dedicated homeschool room. We simply made do with a small space near the dining room table. Despite being small, that space was mighty! It was just a matter of arranging (and re-arranging) it…
Snowball Counting Activity
Do you live in a snowy climate? We just moved to a state that is basically a frozen tundra. I wouldn’t be surprised if those around here who rely on oil for heating try to find some with extra proprietary additives so that they can make sure it will keep flowing into their burner and…