Snowman Ice Melting Activity

{This post may contain affiliate links} We have a lack of real winter weather where we live. No snow, frost, or even rain. So all the “winter” weather my boys experience are manufactured (fake snow at local events around town). Consequently, I thought I’d manufacture my own winter sensory experience for them! Supplies: Googly eyes Foam…

S.T.E.M. Activity with Salt Dough and Blocks

{For your convenience, this post may contain affiliate links}     It’s no secret that I love incorporating literacy opportunities in play. Actually, I’ll incorporate literacy in almost any activity, including eating! (see our Letterpress Toast) But I am admittedly less gifted in incorporating STEM activities into our daily repertoire (STEM activities include science, technology, engineering, and…

Thanksgiving Turkey Cascarones

    Just a few weeks ago, I posted our Halloween Cascarones Activity and how much my son loved smashing those cute little pumpkin surprise eggs! Since that initial activity, I knew cascarones would need to be a more regular activity in our house. I’ve been mulling over a Thanksgiving themed version of the activity…

Insect and Spider Sensory Bins

{For your convenience, this post may contain affiliate links} In preschool, the bugs and spiders unit is typically done in the Spring… but I’m impatient and didn’t want to wait that long to get this unit started in our own preschool co-op! I already shared our Spiderweb Web Craft and am ready to share another activity…

Toddler and Preschool Spider Craft

{For your convenience, this post may contain affiliate links} The theme for our home preschool co-op this week is “Spiders and Insects”. Yes, this is not typically a theme for November, but I’ve really been looking forward to this, so we are doing bugs in November.  I honestly don’t think the kids care what time…

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and our Halloween FAIL

{For your convenience, this post may contain affiliate links}   Soooo…Halloween was a total bust for us this year. We’ve gone trick or treating in years past with no problems, but this year was different. I’m not sure exactly what went wrong, but I am here to share the story along with the cute costumes…

Halloween Cascarones and Toddler Activity

Before I start this post, I should explain what “cascarones” are. I come from a Mexican family, so they have always been an Easter tradition that I LOVE, but many people who aren’t as geographically close to Mexico as we are may not know about these fun little eggs. Cascarones are emptied out egg shells filled…

Honey Fried Bananas

My boys LOVE bananas. It is the first thing they ask for when they wake up. Unfortunately, they’re also pretty picky about their ‘nanas. They must be perfectly yellow, without blemish or bruise, and they absolutely cannot be broken (that last one is important-we’ve had many a meltdown because of broken bananas!) I wonder how…

Marble Painting

                                                      Last week we had our fourth preschool co-op. I really love getting together with the moms and other kids (they range in age from 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 years…

Children’s Art Frames

Hi all! Remember last week in my Untoy: Playing and Crafting with straws post, I mentioned that I had a special project I was working on? Well, I’m finally ready to show it off: My children’s Art Wall with DIY frames! I wish I could say that I made up this craft all by myself, but…