Hello, Winter fun! If you follow me on Instagram, then you were one of the first people to see this fun little craft a couple weeks ago (you all loved it there!). I have finally got around to writing the tutorial for it here on the blog- It really only takes a minute to set up…
DIY Gift Tag Puzzle
This post contains affiliate links It’s finally time to pull out the Christmas stuff!! I don’t know about you, but I’ve been humming “Oh Chstimas tree” since November 1st and I am SO ready to get in the holiday spirit- preschool activities included 😉 I’ve been really interested in using gift tags in Christmas preschool…
Gift Tag Memory Game
December is a busy time of year. We are shopping, baking, attending parties and events, etc. On top of that, there’s still some home preschooling to get done, too! This DIY game was the perfect opportunity to slow down and play a classic game of memory with my tthree-year-oldwhile also getting some literacy practice in!…
Cork board Christmas Tree
Christmas vacation is about to begin which means lots of preschoolers will be home from school looking for crafts and activities to keep them busy. My fifth grade niece already asked when she could come over to do Christmas projects with us (we have a fun one in mind for her! Stay tuned next week…
Toy Tractor Sensory Bin
We get so much mileage out of our toy tractors. Really. They are used for so many open ended play activities, and for many more preschool and sensory bin activities (check out our list of 10 Ways to Play with Toy Tractors)! Today I threw together a quick sensory bin to play with…
Lunch by Numbers
Welcome back to our “Exploring Numbers through the the Senses Series”! This is the third post in and we are exploring numbers through taste… kind of…. Forgive me that I don’t quite know how to TASTE numbers. What I decided to do was help build a conceptual understanding of quantity (totally numbers related!), and I’m…
Nursery Rhyme Sorting Activity
In the past, I’ve done a couple story sorting activities with my boys (Goodnight Moon Story Sorting). They were fun, easy to put together, and provided LOADS of educational benefits. While sorting is typically considered a math skill, in a story sorting activity, we combine math and literacy- winning! Today I put another twist on…
Talking to our Kids about Adoption
A few weeks ago I shared the story of how my husband and I were led to pursue adoption. After posting the story, I received the kindest words of encouragement from you all. The story was shared numerous times and my heart was blessed by all your sweet comments. Today, I want to continue the…
10 Black Dots Math Activity
Welcome to day 2 of our “Exploring Numbers Through the Senses” series! Yesterday we posted our first activity based on Sound (Number Sound Boxes), today is all about the sense of SIGHT! We will be exploring what numbers LOOK like (incorporating both the numerical symbol as well as a conceptual understanding of them). As you…
Number Sound Boxes
Welcome to the first post in our “Exploring Numbers through the Senses” series! To kick off our first post, we are sharing how we learned about numbers with our sense of SOUND. This was a tricky sense to explore numbers with, but it was definitely one of m son’s favorite! This post contains affiliate links…