We don’t have pool, but that won’t stop me from hoarding pool noodles!!

Last year a friend asked if I would like to have a bag of cut up pool noodles she had. My answer was obviously a loud and resounding YES!! Did I know what I wanted to do with said noodles? No. Did it drive my husband crazy to have a large bag of pool noodles in our home for over a month? Yes. But in the end it was totally worth it.  Pool noodles make for some fun preschool activities!

Supplies for Pool Noodle Threading

  • Pool Noodles cut into small pieces
  • Twine, yarn, or rope

I placed all the noodles in a large basket…because that’s what I do (Hubby thinks I horde baskets as well. He’s right. Life is better with baskets though!)

The rope (twine?) I used was a thrift store score. It’s really like extra-large yarn. To make the threading easier I used some duct tape to make a little needle.

Do you see my little man focusing on getting that yarn through the hole? This activity is great for eye-hand coordination! Besides eye-hand coordination, he’s also working on fine motor skills (pulling the yarn through the hole), patterning, counting, and concentrating.

Older kids can work on making patterns with different pool noodle colors while younger kids might be content with just counting how many noodles they have threaded.

My sweet boy decided it was a giant necklace and tried putting it around my neck! We kept the activity out for the week as my kids returned to it several times to add more noodles.

If your kiddos got into this pool noodle threading project, they might also like to try this nature threading activity

Fine motor work for preschoolers using nature finds!

Don’t forget to pin this idea so you can remember to do it next summer as well!

And if you decide to do this project, I’d love to see how it turns out! Post a photo and tag @munchkins_and_moms on Instagram!


4 thoughts on “Pool Noodle Threading”

  1. What a fun-looking activity! Seems like pool noodles are quite handy to have around. I needed to secure a slipcover awhile back and it seems like cut up pool noodles is the way to do it! I ended up using rolled up magazines, but I love how these things can be recycled into other applications.

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