Foil and Toys: Fine Motor Activity

Things have been pretty lazy around my house lately because both my boys have a cough and are in constant need of TLC. That leaves me drained and in desperate need of a break by the end of the day. And as much as I dislike it, it is days like this that I usually turn on…

Valentine’s Day Sensory Bin

    Let’s be honest- my boys don’t know what holidays are. They have no clue what Valentines means. February 14th will come and go without the slightest bat of an eyelash for them. But I ADORE them. And while they may not care if I plan a single activity revolved around this *lovely* holiday,…

Construction Zone Breakfast

  This morning as I was planning breakfast for Cannon, I decided to make it a little more exciting with adding a small world play element to it. I recently found these great little tractors on Christmas clearance (only $1.35!) and I’ve been waiting for the right moment to open them- this was it! Baby…

Edible Infant Paint

I am slightly embarrassed that the majority of my posts revolve around my toddler son, Cannon. When Cannon was younger, we did many projects together as well (that was pre-blog days). But now that I have two kids, it is much harder to focus my energy on Hunter (lil’ brother). He’s a very easy-going baby,…

Painted Toast

Cannon is really starting to show an interest in identifying colors and engaging with them to make art. I even bought him a brand new pack of the chubby toddler crayons to color with (but for some reason he is choosing to eat the yellow one. Maybe he thinks it’s cheese???). Anyways, it’s super cute when he walks…

A quick “Invitation to Play”

  My baby boy is now fully into the baby food stage of his little life! We have delved right into rice cereal, oatmeal, smashed peas and steamed carrots…all courtesy of Gerber 🙂 I do not make my own baby food. I know it’s simple and healthy, but have you checked Gerber’s ingredient’s lately? Just…

Making Orange Pomander Balls (with Toddlers!)

Have you ever made orange pomander balls? When I was younger, I had a wonderful elementary teacher who taught us the fine art of making them. Well, it’s not really a fine art. It’s actually pretty simple. All you need are whole cloves and citrus fruit (limes, oranges, or grapefruits work well). If you Google…

Daily schedule with two under two

Daily schedule with a Toddler and Infant

Are you a fellow mama of two kids under two? Maybe you just finished reading our I just finished our tips for stay at home moms to stay sane. One of the tips was to have a daily routine or schedule. As I was looking over ours, I realized it needed to be updated. The…

Stay at home Mom: Tips for Staying Sane

I am a stay at home mom. I am blessed by the opportunity to be able to care for my kids All day. Every day. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week… I get tired sometimes. Actually-exhausted is a better word for it. Taking care of children is difficult at times, so I…

Scoop and Pour activity

I haven’t posted in quite a while and here’s my confession why…I only use my iphone for pictures and lately my phone’s USB connection hasn’t been working-thus I can’t upload new pictures for the blog  🙁 Makes me sad because we’ve been so active with new activities and ideas that I’d LOVE to share, but…