Paper plates are key for keeping my sanity…both in the kitchen and in the art room!

Do you consider paper plates part of your parent survival kit? I know I do! Not long ago I had a parent ask me how I keep it all together. I told her I don’t! I always feel like a juggler trying to balance plates on sticks, and I am always dropping different plates on different days! Many days the plate I drop first is doing the dishes…Thankfully, dishes are a little less stressful because I have given in to paper (and I also encourage my kids to eat outside…read more in my Four Under Four Survival Tips). Besides paper plates making dinner time easier, they also make art time easy! Paper plates can ALWAYS be turned into a craft or art project!

Paper Plate Art
This activity came about during an impromptu summer playdate. Our neighborhood friends came over to play and I wanted to set up an art project pronto because I had work to do and I wanted them to stay entertained and happy 🙂 I grabbed a fistful of paper plates and our go-to art supply, Do-a Dots! I set everything up and simpl told them to decorate the plates! They didn’t need any more direction that.

The kids took the invitation in different directions- some tried to create pictures (see the flowers on the right), some mixed colors, some made patterns, and one just challenged himself to cover every inch of the white plate possible! The end result was a plethora of beautifully decorated paper plates and creatively satisfied kids!
If you are looking for a quick and easy art project, this is it! It doesn’t take any prep and offers lottos opportunities to creativity
Play, Teach, Repeat!
After the impromptu art project, you could reflect on the project and turn it into a more directed lesson. Here are some directions to go with it:
- Discuss symmetry and patterns visible in the plates
- Read The Dot and connect the message with this project
- Discuss color mixing science
And don’t forget to let your kids repeat this activity on another day to continue learning and growing through play!

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