Mixed-Up Chameleon Hide-and-Seek Activity

Hello again, little chameleon! I know weย justย did a Mixed-Up Chameleon activity the other day (Mixed-Up Chameleon Paint Mixing), but my boys are really enjoying the book so here we have activity number two ๐Ÿ™‚

Confession- I still have BOXES of teaching supplies in my garage from when I was a teacher 4 years ago, and I don’t plan on letting them go anytime soon because I always find new use for them in our home preschool activities (sorry husband who thinks I’m a hoarder ๐Ÿ˜‰ They’re here for a while longer!) One treasure I came across was overhead transparencies. These things are relics. I don’t think I will ever use them again, but I couldn’t bear parting with them! I decided to use a transparency to draw a chameleon on so he would be see-through and camouflage with his surroundings (I was just going to use a clean plastic bag, original idea from the Chameleon Paint Mixing activity we did, but realized it was too flimsy when these came to mind).

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*I did a quick search and found that Jen at Mama. Papa. Bubba (you know her, the Play Dough Kit Queen), did a similar activity to this one, I hope you’ll go over and check her version out- I love how she incorporated colored chameleon transparencies too! (And you’ll love the super easy way she made them!)

I used the permanent marker to draw a chameleon on the transparency and added a couple googly eyes (everything is better with googly eyes!)

That was all the prep work it took! Once the chameleon was finished we played hide-and-seek with him all over the living room! The kids L-O-V-E-D it! They were throwing around the word camouflage like they’ve used it 100 times before (vocabulary development and learning through play at its finest!).

Mixed-Up Chameleon Hide-and-Seek Activity

We had a good time searching for our hidden chameleon. We also practiced taking turns with hiding and seeking him (turn taking is an important social skill that we have to constantly practice).

Mixed-Up Chameleon Hide-and-Seek Activity

Learning through play is a big part of how we do home preschool activities. And when we can base activities off of our favorite books, it makes my teacher-heart smile ๐Ÿ™‚ Literacy, learning, playing- it doesn’t get much better than that!

How do your kids learn through play? Tag me in a photo on Instagram!

Mixed-Up Chameleon Hide-and-Seek Activity