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Hello, Friends! Have you noticed the name change of my blog? I went from Munchkins and Moms to Play Teach Repeat. You can find more information behind the decision in this blog post, but here’s the quick version:
I’m back to teaching in a classroom…but I still cycle back to all of my preschool play lessons even as I teach 5th grade! So I am still playing, teaching, then I wake up every day to do it again…and I love it!
This post is really a perfect example of my Play Teach Repeat motto. Back in 2013 one of the very first posts I wrote for this blog was sharing how to make a Pizza Bow Easel for toddlers and preschoolers. Well guess what?? Pizza box easels aren’t JUST for preschoolers! I came back around to this classic activity and used it when I was a director of a summer camp last year! Students of all ages really do love this activity. Ready to get started? Here’s a new and updated tutorial on how to make a pizza box easel.
Pizza Box Easel Supplies

Empty/clean pizza box
How to Make a Pizza Box Easel
When I first made this crafts I gave it a fancier twist: a little ledge that held the paint. This time I was making easels for an entire group of summer camp kids and I didn’t have time for that. So this time I made it very basic, without the ledge.
I started by opening the pizza box to make a A frame and taped the corners to hold together.

If you notice I also taped the i side of the box to the table. This was really helpful because the box slides around if it isn’t taped.

Notice the lack of the ledge on this box. It still works just fine that way!
I made enough of these easels to set up in a classroom for the summer campers.

Their jaws may have dropped. This was such an inviting set up that even my kids who don’t like art were ready to sit and try them out!

I gave each camper a Sharpie marker to first draw an image they wanted to paint. Then they were given paints to continue their art project.
If you are doing this for a whole class/camp, ask a local pizza place for clean boxes. Then make sure tp acknowledge their donation in a social media post, they will appreciate it 🙂
Play, Teach, Repeat
I’d like to end each post by sharing how an activity can be used for younger and older kids, both in the classroom and in a play environment. This activity is clearly something that can be done with kids from toddlerhood up to middle school! This is definitely an activity that you can use for playing, teaching, and repeating as kids get older!
Share how you’ll use this activity, I’d love to hear from you!