? Several weeks ago I wrote a post about how I put together a Mommy and Me Music Class (Music with my Munchkins). It mainly focused on songs for my toddler, but I have been meaning to update with a post about how to incorporate to music with infants (in case your new around here,…
Invitation to Play: Balls and Bowls
This was one of the most engaging invitations to play I have ever done with my toddler! It was so simple to put together and provided lots of opportunities to develop his spatial reasoning and awareness. Part of the allure (as a parent) of putting together invitations to play is that they are simple and…
How To Make: Pizza Box Easel
Last night we had pizza for dinner and I was in the mood to get a little bit crafty…so when my hubby picked up our order I asked him to bring me home an extra large (clean) pizza box. He lovingly obliged 🙂 I had a great plan for that little pizza box… Fast forward…
Invitation to Explore: Rainbow Rice and Shaving Cream
Today we had the pleasure of it raining outside (I can’t remember the last time we had rain!) It was so nice to hear the rhythmic tapping of water drops on the windows, and Cannon couldn’t top staring, pointing, and shouting “wa-wa?!?!” So I took him outside to see what this as all about. The rain plopped down on our umbrella…
Music with my Munchkins
Babies are born with an innate ability to learn, after all, EVERYTHING in the world is new to them! They are learning EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. What we choose to expose them to now will help build their brains for what they learn tomorrow. Music sets some wonderful foundations for our babies’ development! Enjoying music with…
Invitation to play: Markers and Mirrors
I put together a simple invitation to play for my son Cannon the other day. When I noticed he was really interested in writing and coloring, I thought of how I can change up the normal crayons and coloring book playtime and turn it into something unique. That’s when I came up…
An invitation to play
I don’t like to overwhelm my little Cannon Ball with too many toys. As a matter of fact, he has very few “lights and sounds” toys at all. I like to provide him with the basics (blocks, cars, nesting cubes, small instruments, balls, etc) and let his imagination take him where it will. I don’t want…